Cloth Diapers

couches lavable

We hear everything and anything about cloth diapers. It’s often frightening and especially very discouraging. We have been using them every day for almost two years now. Yes, it’s work, but with our routine it’s far from being insurmountable and…

My homemade bath salts.

sel de bain maison

It’s the “must have” when you have a bathtub. Relaxing homemade bath salts that smell good and moisturize the skin. That’s exactly what I suggest you do with this article. This recipe is ultra simple and 100% natural. It doesn’t…

How to make your own homemade laundry

Making your own laundry, is a great way to limit plastic and save money. With my recipe, for 12 euros, I make about 40 liters of laundry. It is a totally natural detergent. It works with all skin types, even…

Zero waste is not that complicated

Nowadays, most of our products are full of chemicals and plastics. This is a disaster for the environment but also for our health. The only way to remedy this is to change our consumption pattern. Simply using recyclable products is…

My homemade dishwasher powder.

The dishwasher is an everyday object, and yet it has a bad press in the zero waste world. It is often criticized for being too polluting, even though it consumes less water than washing dishes by hand. What pollutes most…